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Local Lending Department

General information

Local Lending Department is situated on level 1 in the Library building Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.

Address for correspondence:
Wroclaw University Library
Circulation Department
Local Lending Department
Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
50-383 Wroclaw
phone: +48 71 375 76 01

Opening hours:

October - June
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
July, September
Monday, Thursday: 12:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Rules and conditions of usage of the Reading Room are determined in the Rules of Collection Circulation in the Wroclaw University Library, Chapter 4: Local lending.

How to subscribe to the Wroclaw University Library

Subscription to the Wroclaw University Library can be accomplished only via online electronic forms. After having filled and submitted proper electronic form for subscription, users should go to the Local Lending Department, in which: they can receive their computer library cards (cost 20 PLN) or activate the library accounts based on the electronic student’s ID cards.

  1. Who can subscribe to the WUL

    • employees (including retired ones) of the University of Wrocław,

    • employees of other Wroclaw’s institutions of higher education as well as research and development institutions from Wroclaw,

    • students of all faculties of the University of Wrocław and other Wroclaw’s institutions of higher education, that participate in the Wroclaw’s high schools agreement (listed in the Appendix No. 3),

    • students of post-secondary schools and students from institutions of higher education that are not participating in the Wroclaw’s high schools agreement, but who are entitled to borrow books from the Wroclaw University Library on the basis of an agreement between the Library and schools,

    • PhD students, scholars and interns of the University of Wrocław that are foreigners temporary living in Wroclaw,

    • foreign students of the University of Wrocław.

  2. Renewal of the library account

    • library card or library account activated on basis of electronic student's ID card with photo, that entitles user to borrowing books, is valid up to 30th September of current academic year. Renewal of the library account requires returning all borrowed library materials and showing following documents:

      • students - valid student's ID card,

      • other users – identification document or passport,

      • PhD students, scholars and interns of the University of Wrocław that are foreigners temporary living in Wroclaw - valid passport.

  3. What to do if you lost your library card, or electronic student’s ID card?

    • Loss of library card without photo or active electronic student’s ID card with photo should be immediately reported to the Local Lending Department in order to block library account as well as to the Deanery of proper Faculty. Duplicate of library card without photo can be received after presenting needed documents (like during subscription to the Library) and paying for new card (20 PLN). Copy of electronic student’s ID card with photo does not require re-activation of an account. Damages arisen due to loosing of library card or activated electronic student’s ID card will charge owner of the account.

Borrowing books

  1. How to borrow and return Library’s materials?

    • orders to the Lending Department can be placed from online catalog and from digitized catalogs,

    • time for accomplishment of order varies from 1 to 2 hours,

    • fulfilling of orders - up to 60 minutes before the closing of the Local Lending Department (orders placed later are fullfiled on the next day),

  2. ordered materials can be collected in the Local Lending Department (level 1),

  3. undone order slips are given back to the user with annotations about the causes of failure in completion.

    Attention: Books that are not collected for three days since the moment of order, are sent back to the storage. Three times failure to collect ordered books from the Local Lending Department during the period of three months will result in blocking of user’s library account. That blockade will not be removed until after the personal appearance of user with valid library card in the Local Lending Department. Blocking of user's account three times because of failure to collect ordered books will result in blocking of library account for the period of three months and that blockade will not be removed until after the personal appearance of user in the Local Lending Department.

  4. returning of borrowed materials and settlement of user’s account take place in the Local Lending Department.

  5. How many books and for how long can be borrowed?

    • academic teachers of the University of Wrocław - 20 volumes for period up to 180 days

    • students of all faculties with proven disabilities - 15 volumes for period up to 180 days

    • PhD students, both intramural and extramural, of the University of Wrocław - 20 volumes for period up to 90 days

    • other employees of the University of Wrocław, academic teachers of other Wroclaw’s institutions of higher education, state's research and development institutions, librarians of other institutions of higher education, students of all faculties of the University of Wrocław and other Wroclaw’s institutions of higher education, students of institutions of higher education and schools of further education - 10 volumes for period up to 90 days

      Attention: In well founded cases the Library can lend books for shorten periods of time or asks for their earlier return than specified above. Materials borrowed by users must be returned before the end of current academic year.

  6. Prolongation of deadline for returning of books

    • Users can prolong deadline for returning of borrowed books, under condition, that they were not reserved by other users. Users can prolong borrowed books once for period of 90 days,

    • prolongation of deadline for returning of borrowed materials should be done electronically or personally in WUL's Local Lending Department.

Rules of using the library drop box

The drop box is located inside the Library building - the by the employees entrance and is available 24 hours a day, every day of the week. Rules of using the WUL's library drop box.

Rules for usage of the book pick-up machine

Book pick-up machine is located in the WUL's building next to the library drop box. Please familiarize yourself with the Rules for usage of the book pick-up machine.

Failure to meet the return deadline of borrowed library materials

  1. failure to meet the return deadline of borrowed library materials will result in blocking the library account. For failure to meet the return deadline of borrowed library materials or prolonging that term, Library is charging penalties in accordance to the Price list of Local Lending Department of Wroclaw University Library,

  2. once a year WUL's Local Lending Department is sending remainders to its users to return borrowed books. Users who, despite prompting, will not return books, can expect a final warring, and then the University Library will exercise its rights in the courts.

    Attention: Postage for every reminder sent in order to return books is 5 PLN.

What to do if a book is destroyed or lost

  1. Methods of regulation of obligations in cases of books lost or destroyed by users are determined in the Rules of Collection Circulation in the Wroclaw University Library, in Chapter 4 - Local lending.

  2. In case of losing or destroying borrowed book, user has to buy back book in the edition specified by the Library. If this is not possible, user is charged for the lost item in accordance with „Instrukcja do Regulaminu Udostępniania Zbiorów Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej we Wrocławiu, Roz. III Wypożyczenia Miejscowe, § 59 dotyczący wyceny książek zagubionych lub zniszczonych” (Instruction to Rules of Collection Circulation in the Wroclaw University Library – Chapter II Local Lending, § 59 regarding evaluation of lost or destroyed books).

Terminating of account and settlement of obligations to the Library

Attention: During termination of account in the Wroclaw University Library it is necessary to have valid identification document. Personal data of Users, whose accounts have been terminated, are deleted from the electronic database.

  1. Termination of user’s library account takes place after regulating of user’s liabilities to the Wroclaw University Library. Termination of user’s account is documented by stamp: Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Wrocław - książki zwrócono (Wroclaw University Library, Wroclaw – books have been returned) on following documents:

    • for employees – on circulating card issued by proper unit or institution,

    • for students – on student obligation card.