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There are more than 4.200.000 volumes together in Wroclaw University Library and its departmental libraries.
Wroclaw University Library collection

  • books: more than 1 453 457 volumes.
  • journals: more than 429 212 volumes/units.
  • special collections: more than 500.000 volumes/units including: 407 304 units, 44 712 microfilms, 60 277 units of restricted collections (uncataloged).
  • restricted collections: more than 169 000 (uncataloged) volumes.
  • departmental libraries collections: more than 1.700.000 volumes including over: 13.000 units of uncataloged collections.

Wroclaw University Library collection is universal in scope and contains print materials from all scholarly disciplines, especially from the area of the humanities and social sciences as well as basic and reference publications from non-academic areas.

Acquiring new items is done by purchase, exchange, gifts and by mandatory copy every Polish publisher is bound by law to deposit in Wroclaw University Library.

The rules of acquiring items by Wroclaw University Library reflect its function as a central academic library and its scientific, teaching and community service goals

Wrocław University Library specializes in collecting on Silesia and Lusatian (see Silesian and Lusatian collections as well as bibliological works (see Special Collections’ Reading Room).

Various historical collections that originated in Wrocław University Library throughout its history (check the history of the Library) require constant additions of new books, manuscripts, old prints, maps, atlases, graphics and music scores.

Information about Wrocław University Library collections available to the public in the reading rooms and circulation department, can be found in catalogs: traditional, electronic, digitized and printed.