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Biblioteka Uniwersytecka

Premarital sex in America : how young Americans meet, mate and think about marrying

Mark Regnerus, Jeremy Uecker
New York

Acknowledgments . . vii
One - Introduction . .  1
Two - The Partnerships and Practices of Emerging Adults . . 14
Three - Inside Sexual Relationships . . 51
Four - The College Campus: Sex 101? . . 101
Five - No Strings Attached? Sex and Emotional Health . . 135
Six - Marriage in the Minds of Emerging Adults . . 169
Seven - Red Sex, Blue Sex: Relationship Norms in a Divided America . . 205
Eight - The Power of Stories and Ten Myths about Sex in Emerging Adulthood . . 236

Appendix A: Regression Models . . 251
Appendix B: Original Research Interview Methods . . 265

Notes . . 271
Index . . 291

Lucan, Bellum civile II 1-525 : ein Kommentar : Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln

Hening Dreyling



Abkürzungsverzeichnis ... S. I - XII

Abweichungen von den Editionen HOUSMANS ... S. XIII


Kommentar zu den Versen I - 525 ... S. I - 219

Marketing libraries in a Web 2.0 world

ed. by Dinesh Gupta and Rejean Savard



Preface/Preface . . vii
Foreword/Avant-propos . . xi

Section-I: Web 2.0 and marketing: general concepts

The Library 2.0: origins of the concept, evolutions, perceptions and realities . . 3
Making Web 2.0 work for users and libraries . . 13
Le marketing des bibliotheques supplante par le Web 2.0: mythe ou realite? . . 23

Section-II: Adopting Web 2.0 strategies

Staying free from "Corporate Marketing Machines" library policy for Web 2.0 tools . . 43
Innovation as a framework for adopting Web 2.0 marketing approaches . . 57

Section-III: Marketing with Web 2.0 and the client

Web 2.0 : de nouveaux usagers en bibliotheque? . . 69
Creating and using Personas for library service in the Web 2.0 era: a case study of the Chinese Academy of Sciences . . 79
The impact of CMR 2.0 in the library . . 87

Section-IV: Case studies

How tangible is your library in the digital environment? Implications of social media marketing in reinventing communities' library experiences . . 97
La dimension participative du Web 2.0 : un atout marketing pour la bibliotheque de 1'Ecole Superieure de Banque d'Alger . . 109
Library Marketing 2.0: experiences of the ETH-Bibliothek with social media . . 125

Section-V: International perspectives

Web 2.0 tools and the marketing of libraries: the case of Africa . . 137
Brazilian librarians and Twitter . . 147


Marketing in a Web 2.0 world: a conference perspective . . 157

(IFLA Publications ; 145)

A history of India

Hermann Kulke and Dietmar Rothermund



List of illustrations . . vii
Preface . . viii
Acknowledgements . . xi
Introduction: History and the Environment . . xii

Chapter One Early Civilisations of the Northwest . . 1
Prehistory and the Indus civilisation . . 1
Immigration and settlement of the Indo-Aryans . . 12

Chapter Two The Great Ancient Empires . . 26
The rise of the Gangetic culture and the great empires of the east . . 26
Ashoka, the Beloved of the Gods . . 38
The end of the Maurya empire and the northern invaders . . 43
The classical age of the Guptas . . 54
Subjection and alliance: Shakas and Vakatakas . . 58
The rise of south India . . 63

Chapter Three The Regional Kingdoms of Early Medieval India . . 72
The rise and conflicts of regional kingdoms . . 72
Kings, princes and priests: the structure of Hindu realms . . 86
The emergence of regional kingdoms . . 88
Gods, temples and poets: the growth of regional cultures . . 96
India's impact on southeast Asia: causes and consequences . . 106

Chapter Four Religious Communities and Military Feudalism in the late Middle Ages . . 113
The Islamic conquest of northern India and the sultanate of Delhi . . 113
The problems of administrative penetration . . 125
The states of central and southern India in the period of the sultanate of Delhi . . 127

Chapter Five The Rise and Fall of the Mughal Empire . . 139
The great Mughals and their adversaries . . 139
Indian land power and European sea power . . 155
The struggle for supremacy in India . . 165

Chapter Six The Period of Colonial Rule . . 178
Company Bahadur: trader and ruler . . 178
The colonial economy . . 190
The regional impact of British rule . . 194
The pattern of constitutional reform . . 207

"Phantasia" in Aristotele

Antonella Astolfi ; pref. di Marcello Zanatta

Prefazione di . . 5
Premessa . . 9
Introduzione . . 11

Parte Prima - Phantasia ed esperienza

Capitolo primo - Il problema della phantasta nell'esegesi contemporanea . . 15
1. Sviluppi contemporanei di una questione antica . . 15
2. L'uso proprio della phantasia e la sua variante metaforica . . 17
3. Sulla compatibilita fra i nuclei dottrinali della phantasia . . 20
4. Punti di vista diversi a confronto . . 25
Capitolo secondo - La trattazione «canonica» . . 31
Capitolo terzo - La polemica con Fiatone . . 37
Capitolo quarto - La phantasia, la sensazione e il senso comune . . 45
Capitolo quinto - Φαντασία ο φαίνεσθαι . . 59
Capitolo sesto - Apparire vero e apparire falso. L'errore osservativo nell'indagine scientifica . . 69
Capitolo settimo - Principio di coordinazione e principio comune dei sensibili propri . . 77

Parte Seconda - Pensare per immagini e pensare il mondo

Capitolo primo - Per una teoria organica della phantasia: l'antinomia di De anima III . . 85
Capitolo secondo - La medietà sensibile: il confronto con l'affermazione e la negazione . . 91
Capitolo terzo - La polemica contro i «sensisti» . . 97
Capitolo quarto - La phantasia e l'organizzazione razionale della realtà . . 105
Capitolo quinto - «Realismo» e criterio di verità . . 113
Capitolo sesto - La phantasia e il movimento . . 123

Conclusione . . 133
Note al testo . . 143

(Temi Metafisici e Problemi del Pensiero Antico. Studi e Testi ; 125)

Open access to STM information : trends, models and strategies for libraries

ed. by Anthi Katsirikou



Preface . . 7
Foreword . . 9
Committees . .  11
Creativity and Copyright: Introductory Thoughts . . 15

Best Practices and Management

How to Build an Institutional Repository? Practical Guide from a Special Library . . 19
Open Access and Academic Library Public Services: Roles for Reference and Instruction . . 29
Marketing Strategies for Increasing the Visibility of Scientific Research in the View of Open Access Principles . . 39
Managing Virtual Environments in Libraries: Second Life and Information Literacy . . 51

Open your Society

Academic Authors, Scientific Information and Open Access Publishing . . 63
Towards a New Technology for Science Online. Open Access Portals and Social Networking as a Source of Scientific Information . . 75
Open Access and Weh "? n Tonvergence: Information Foundation of the Future . . 83


An Institutional Repository Project as an Organizational Change Vision in IRTA . . 97
Enhancing Institutional Repositories (IR) in Ghana . . 105
Surabaya Memory: Opportunities and Challenges of Open Access e-Heritage Repositories . . 113
Developing a Repository: A Library's Journey . . 121


Open Access and Academic Libraries Journal Subscriptions . . 129
Copyright and Open Access Journals in Greece . . 137

Publications and Publishing

Open Access Collaborative Disciplinary Repositories - An Alternative Publishing Model . . 147

Services and Technology

ZS Project: Zoological Science Meets Institutional Repositories . . 157
Technology Trends, Requirements and Models for Providing Sustainable Technological Support for Libraries in an Evolving Environment . . 167
Mapping the Intellectual Structure of Open Access Field through Co-citations . . 177

Quality and Evaluation

Open Access Books Collection's Improvement According to Cost, User's Satisfaction and User's Demands . . 189

(IFLA Publications ; 153)

Italische Terra Sigillata mit Appliken in Noricum

Eleni Schindler Kaudelka, Ulrike Fastner, Michael Gruber ; mit einem Beitrag von Gerwulf Schneider

Dank 7
Einleitung 9
Zur Benützung dieses Buches 9
Die Geschichte der Forschung 15
Publizierte Applikentypen 20
Die Geschichte des Projektes 39
Aktueller Ausgangspunkt und Ziel der Forschung 40
Die Methoden und Hilfsmittel 47
Photogrammetrie 47
Digitale Erfassung der graphischen Daten 49
Die CD-Rom 54
Die Herstellung der Applikensigillata 56
Die OrUnung der Appliken - Versuch einer Klassifikation 60
Vor- und Nachteile der zitierbaren Typenreihe 61
Technologische Probleme 62
Applikengrößen 65
Gliederung der Typenreihe 67
Die Sujets und die Motive 68
Delfine 68
Figuren 70
Girlanden 71
Masken 72
Ornamentale Elemente 74
Rosetten 75
Spiralen 77
Tiere 78
Vegetabile Elemente 79
Bestimmungstafeln 81
Repertoires und Zuweisungen 103
Die Komposition der Dekore - Applikenkombinationen 114
Asymmetrien 118
Die Fabrikate 120
Qualität 123
Tabellarische Ubersicht zu den Fabrikaten 124
Die Gefäßformen 126
Gefäbgrößen 138
Geschirrsätze 140
Tabellarische Ubersicht zu den Formen 143
Töpfer, Werkstätten und Stempel 144
Zur Datierung und ihren Grenzen 151
Zu den Fundorten in Noricum 155
Zu den Zahlen 164
Erste Analysen, allgemeine Bemerkungen 169
Gerwulf Schneider
Chemische Analysen und Dünnschliffuntersuchungen von italischer Terra Sigillata 172
Einführung 172
Methodische Probleme 173
Ergebnisse 174
Zusammenfassung 176
Analysenwerte 181
Ergebnisse und offene Fragen 182
Zum Abschluss 191
Bibliographie 193
Liste der Textabbildungen 198
Konkordanzen 200
Liste der Laufnummern auf Tafeln 200
Konkordanz zu Schindler & Scheffenegger 1977 203
Konkordanzliste Analysen - Laufnummern 204
Fotonachweise 205
Belegtafeln 1-105
Katalog auf CD-Rom (Inhalt der CD-Rom) 206

(Denkschriften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse ; Bd. 298. Archäologische Forschungen ; Bd. 6)

Newspapers : legal deposit and research in the digital era

ed. by Hartmut Walravens



Preface . . IX

«The present becomes the past: harvesting, archiving, presenting today's digitally produced newspapers»

Opening address . . 1
Harvesting of online newspapers at the National Library of Sweden . . 3
Newspapers as New Media . . 5
Standards from the other side: An overview of the News Industry Text Format (NITF) and its kin . . 11
The British Library Newspaper Strategy: developing collaboration with publishers to digitise back runs and to ingest born digital newspapers . . 21
Preserving and accessing born digital newspapers. A perspective from California . . 31
The National Library of Singapore's service development model for digitised newspaper content . . 37
Newspapers going digital - in a national infrastructure context . . 45
Closing remarks . . 53

«Legal deposit of newspapers for libraries: challenges of the digital environment»

Electronic database of the state bibliography (Russian National Bibliography) . . 55
Work with newspapers at the Russian Book Chamber . . 63
Legal deposit of newspapers - an outlook . . 81
Copyright, access policy, and copyright enforcement for digital newspaper collections . . 91
Newspapers, data formats, and acronym stew: Preservation and distribution of born-digital newspapers using METS/ALTO, NITF, and PDF-A . . 115
Book chambers and national bibliographies in Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova since 1991 . . 129
Newspaper editions of Chuvashia are the national property . . 135
Status and prospects of processing and storage of mandatory copies of newspapers in the National State Book Chamber of Kazakhstan . . 143
Provision of preservation for digital heritage: problems and solutions . . 153
Legal deposit of newspapers at the British Library: past, present and future . . 161
Newspapers in the state bibliographic system of Belarus . . 173
Bibliotheque nationale de France: Legal deposit of electronic files yielded for printing of newspaper issues; the situation spring 2009 . . 183
Newspaper holdings of the National Book Chamber of the Republic of Moldova . . 197
The BAN newspaper collection: past and present . . 201
Assuring completeness of the newspapers collection: Problems and perspectives. Experience of the Russian State Library . . 213
Newspaper collection of the State Public Historical Library of Russia . . 229
Investigating digital newspaper repositories: Subscription and Open Access models . . 237

«Newspapers in the Mediterranean and the evolution of the modern state»

«The power of lead» - the role of the nineteenthcentury British Press in keeping the «Italian Question» before 1860 on the British political agenda and in the minds of the British Public . . 253
Les collections de presse a la Bibliotheque Nationale Centrale de Rome: face au defi de la sedimentation et de la transmission d'une memoire collective nationale . . 263
Digitizing the historical periodical collection at the Al-Aqsa Mosque Library in East Jerusalem . . 271
The role of scientific journals following the unification of Italy . . 291

Analytic index to ten volumes of proceedings, IFLA Newspapers Section, 2000-2011 . . 309
Alphabetic index to the contributions in the ten volumes of proceedings of the IFLA Newspapers Section . . 329

(IFLA Publications ; 150)