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The New Continentalism : Energy and Twenty-First-Century Eurasian Geopolitics

Kent E. Calder
New Haven

List of Tables . . ix
List of Figures . . xi
List of Abbreviations . . xv
A Note on Conventions . . xvii
Preface . . xix
Introduction . . xxiii

1 The Challenge of a New World Emerging . . 1
2 Where Geography Still Matters . . 15  
3 Six Critical Junctures and Eurasia's Transformation . . 47
4 Comparative Energy Producer Profiles . . 100
5 The Comparative Political Economy of Eurasian Petrostates . . 114
6 Energy-Insecure Asian Capitalist Consumers . . 151
7 Emerging Ententes Amid Complex Continentalism . . 199
8 Strategic Implications . . 247
9 Prospects and Policy Implications . . 274

Appendix A: Profiles of Eurasian Growth . . 299
Appendix B: Eurasian Condnentalist Organizations . . 303

Notes . . 305
Bibliography . . 353
Index . . 367