Contents List of Tables and Maps xi Acknowledgments xiii Footnote Abbreviations xv A Note on Style xvii 1. The Soviet Affirmative Action Empire 1 The Logic of the Affirmative Action Empire 2 The Content of the Affirmative Action Empire 9 An Affirmative Action Empire 15 The Party and the Affirmative Action Empire 20 The Geography of the Affirmative Action Empire 23 The Chronology of the Affirmative Action Empire 25 PART ONE Implementing the Affirmative Action Empire 29 2. Borders and Ethnic Conflict 31 The Emergence of National Soviets in Ukraine 33 National Soviets in Belorussia and the RSFSR 48 National Soviets and Ethnic Conflict in the Soviet East 56 Gonclusion 72 3. Linguistic Ukrainization, 1923-1932 75 The Background to Ukrainization, 19I9-1923 78 Ukrainization, I923-I925 79 Kaganovich's Ukrainization, April 1925-June 1926 84 The Failure of Comprehensive Ukrainization, 1926-1932 98 Conclusion 122 4. Affirmative Action in the Soviet East, 1923-1932 125 East and West 126 The Cultural Fund 129 Mechanical Korenizatsiia, 1923 to 1926 132 Functional Korenizatsiia, 1926 to 1928 139 Affirmative Action and Ethnic Conflict in the Industrial Work Place Cultural Revolution and Korenizatsiia in the Soviet East 154 Conclusion: Korenizatsiia in East and West 177 5. The Latinization Campaign and the Symbolic Politics of National Identity 182 The Latinization Campaign 185 Latinization as Derussification 194 Language and Terror in the Soviet West 204 PART TWO The Political Crisis of the Affirmative Action Empire 209 6. The Politics of National Communism, I923-I930 211 The Shumskyi Affair 212 Nationality and the Left Opposition 228 The Socialist Offensive and Cultural Revolution 238 The Cultural Revolutionary Show Trial in Ukraine 249 Terror as a System of Signaling 254 Terror and Policy Reversal in Belorussia 260 Conclusion 269 7.The National Interpretation of the 1933 Famine 273 The Piedmont Principle and Soviet Border Disputes 274 The Ukrainian Question in the RSFSR 282 The Kuban Affair 291 The National Interpretation of the Grain Requisitions Crisis 302 Conclusion: The Aftermath of the December 1932 Politburo Decrees 307 PART THREE Revising the Affirrmative Action Empire 309 8. Ethnic Cleansing and Enemy Nations 311 The Border Regions 312 The Politics of Immigration 316 Collectivization and Emigration 319 The Ukrainian Crisis 325 Ethnic Cleansing 328 Enemy Nations 335 Conclusion 341 9. The Revised Soviet Nationalities Policy, 1933-1939 344 The Skrypnyk Affair 345 The Greatest-Danger Principle 356 Ukrainization after the Skrypnyk Affair 362 Silent Korenizatsiia in the Soviet East 372 Conclusion 392 10. The Reemergence of the Russians 394 The Awkward Republic: The RSFSR 394 The Internationalization of the RSFSR 401 The Russification of the RSFSR 403 Script Russification and the Symbolic Politics of the Great Retreat 414 Language and the Great Terror 422 Conclusion 429 11. The Friendship of the Peoples 432 The Brotherhood of the Peoples 432 The Friendship of the Peoples 437 Stalinist Primordialism 442 The First among Equals 451 Conclusion 460 Glossary 462 Bibliography 465 Index 483