Preface . . ix Acknowledgments . . xiii Introduction . . xv CHAPTER ONE Individual Agency and Universal, Centralized Authority in Early Mohist Writings . . 1 CHAPTER TWO Centralizing Control: The Politics of Bodily Conformism . . 29 CHAPTER THREE Decentralizing Control and Naturalizing Cosmic Agency: Bodily Conformism and Individualism . . 54 CHAPTER FOUR Two Prongs of the Debate: Bodily Agencies vs. Claims for Institutional Controls . . 77 CHAPTER FIVE Servants of the Self and Empire: Institutionally Controlled Individualism at the Dawn of a New Era . . 104 CHAPTER SIX Conclusion . . 121 Postscript: A Note on Chinese Individualism, Human Rights, and the Asian Values Debate . . 131 Notes . . 137 Works Cited . . 189 Index . . 201