Acknowledgements . . ix Summary of the thesis . . x Paper 1: Social Capital vs Institutions in the Growth Process 1 Introduction . . 1 2 The model . . 2 3 Empirical evidence . . 6 4 Concluding remarks . . 13 Acknowledgements . . 13 References . . 13 Paper 2: The Roots of Ethnic Diversity 1 Introduction . . 1 2 Literature overview . . 5 3 An evolutionary model of ethnic fractionalization . . 12 4 Data and empirical strategy . . 20 5 Empirical analysis . . 24 6 Concluding remarks . . 34 References . . 36 Data Appendix . . 40 Figures . . 43 Paper 3: The Causal Effects nf Ethnic Diversity: : An Instmmental Variables Approach 1 Introduction . . 1 2 Data . . 4 3 Results . . 7 4 Conclusions . . 14 References . . 16 Appendix . . 18 Paper 4: Nationalism and Government Effectiveness 1 Introduction . . 1 2 Nationalism, nation-building, and ethnic diversity . . 4 3 A cross-country study . . 12 4 Results . . 15 5 Concluding remarks . . 30 References . . 32 Appendix A Sample and variable description . . 34 Appendix B. Constructing the constructed trade share . . 38 Paper 5: Earthquakes and Civil War 1 Introduction . . 1 2 Natural disasters . . 5 3 Conflict . .7 4 Theoretical framework . . 11 5 Empirical strategy and data . . 18 6 Results . . 23 7 Concluding remarks . . 36 References . . 37 Appendix A . . 40 Appendix B . . 42 Appendix C . . 45