Preface . . xxiii Introduction . . xxvii POLITICS IN PRINCIPLE . . 1 Too Much to Take On liberals' taking it upon themselves to define conservatism . . 2 Standing Athwart History A statement of purpose for the newly launched National Review, explaining why it is "just about the hottest thing in town" . . 6 Liberal Presumption On the notion that a "central intelligence" in Washington, D.C., can dispose of American citizens' money far better than they can . . 8 The Conservative Alternative A program designed to "keep conservatives busy, and liberals at bay. And the nation Jree" . . 13 The Politics of Beauty Why any political attempt to achieve beauty in public places is doomed to failure . . 20 The New Conservatism On the historical responsibility of conservatives, at the end of the tumultuous Sixties, "to defend what is best in America" . . 33 Impeach the Speech, Not the President On the awfulness of Nixon's Watergate speech, and on the difference between an American president and a prime minister, or a king . . 37 Marx Is Dead Marxism is only an excuse for wielding power, and someone besides Solzhenitsyn needs to say so . . 46 The Call of Public Service On confusing a desire for power with a desire to serve . . 48 POLITICS IN PRACTICE . . 51 The Party and the Deep Blue Sea On the Republicans' acquiescing—after twenty years of New Deal/Fair Deal—in the self-aggrandizing state . . 52 Reflections on Election Eve At the end of Elsenhower's first term, conservatives can't accept the slogan "I Like Ike," though some can say, "I Prefer Ike" . . 57 What of Tomorrow? On different responses to Elsenhower's embrace of statism . . 61 National Review and the 1960 Election Should conservatives choose the lesser of two evils, or declare against both candidates and set their sights four years out? . . 62 So Long, Ike On how this manifestly good man left his country and the world much worse off than they were the day he took office . . 64 The Decline of Mr. Kennedy? Noting—in July 1963—that there were good reasons why JFK's poll numbers were falling precipitously . . 66 The Case for Goldwater What the candidate actually believes, as against what hostile critics claim he believes . . 68 Bobby for King On the quite extrapolitical adoration of Robert F. Kennedy . . 72 What George Wallace Means to Me Why some observers consider him a conservative, while movement conservatives fear and reject him . . 74 Why We Need a Black President in 1980 On the reasons, as 0/1970, why it would be good, both for black America and for white America, if a black were elected president a few years hence . . 77 McGovern and the National Mood On the possibility that a nice man who, however, would prefer that America become a second-class power might win the presidency . . 81 Nixon and Resignation The four selves of Richard Nixon, and how they might interact to cause him to resign . . 83 The End of the GOP? On the refusal of the Republican Party to mount a vigorous defense of freedom, against, statism at home and Communist aggression abroad . . 85 Ford and the Impossible On the difficulty, for a working politician, of cutting through the conventional wisdom, whether on Vietnam or the overdrawn national budget . . 86 The Polish Joke What was President Ford thinking when he said that Poland and the other Captive Nations were not under Soviet domination ? . . 88 Buckley on Buckley On what entering the political arena—as challenger to Senator James Buckley in 1976—has done to the once-brilliant mind of Daniel Patrick Moynihan . . 90 Run, Jesse, Run On the brilliant rhetoric of Jesse Jackson and, alas, the uses to which he puts it . . 92 George Bush, Reborn On the elder Bush's ascent through the primaries, and on the need for him to break out of the blandness imposed on vice presidents . . 96 Oh My God! On a Bill Clinton speech full to the brim of falsifications, all in aid of extending the reach of the federal government into our lives . . 98 Frightened by Pat Robertson? On the Left's—and the media's—exaggerated fear of the Religious Right . . 100 Who Loses if Clinton Wins On why, important though Bill and Hillary Clinton's shady dealings are, afar better reason to vote against him is his policies . . 102 Rip Van Winkle Reviews the Scene What was going on in the 1996 campaign during the twelve days WFB was totally out of touch on a train from Peking to Moscow . . 105 How Much Do We Like W? Answer. Middling only—except by comparison to the alternative, namely, Al Gore . . 107 Fathoming Kerry On the contradiction between John Kerry's rejection of America's role in Vietnam and his voting to authorize the Iraq War . . 109 A Special Odium On the extraordinary ferocity displayed by critics of Bush, and its possible effect on the democratic culture . . 110 Great Cheer in Boston On the political theater at the Democratic convention, and on the differences between Reagan's bid for re-election in 1984 and Bush's in 2004 . . 112 Inside Obama On the candidate's soaring rhetoric—but underlying dishonesty- about what government can do for America's children . . 114 DEALING WITH THE COMMUNIST WORLD . . 117 Dean Acheson's Record On the appalling spread of Communism on his watch as under secretary and then secretary of state . . 118 A Dilemma of Conservatives On the divide between accommodationists and liberationists . . 122 Who Says They Didn't Die in Vain? On the tepid Western reaction to the Soviets' crushing the Hungarian revolution . . 125 Mr. K's Manners—and Ours On how, having invited Khrushchev to be our guest, we had made it very hard "to re-evoke a civilized response to such a man"; but why we must try, and how . . 126 "I Got My Job through the New York Times" On the way a supposedly objective journalist, Herbert Matthews, "hypnotized" the State Department—as well as his lay readers—into believing Castro was a good thing . . 128 An Answer on Berlin A recommendation (one month before the Wall went up) for President Kennedy: "The best way to keep Berlin free is to discuss liberating East Germany" . . 136 Dead-Red Analyzing the argument that submission to tyranny is better than the possibility of nuclear war . . 137 Who Won in Cuba? By standing up to Khrushchev in the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy did a great deal; but he could have done so very much more . . 139 A Day in Laos, and an Evening A first-hand account of the bravery of Laotian pilots fighting to repel the North Vietnamese . . 141 Solzhenitsyn at Bay On the towering work of Solzhenitsyn, and our obligation to do anything in our power to protect him . . 143 Endless Talk about Cambodia On how, having said, Never again! after the Holocaust, we are doing nothing to save the Cambodians from Pol Pot . . 145 What to Do about Poland? On the possibility, infinitesimal though it seemed at the time, that a labor-union strike in Gdansk will "prove to be the cordite that will bring down the House of Lenin" . . 146 Missing the Point of Grenada On the complaints from the Left that Reagan acted prematurely in invading Grenada . . 148 For Moderation in Osculation it is morally wrong for Western leaders to physically embrace despots like Castro . . 150 What if They Were Nazis? Apropos of the outrage over Reagan's visit to Bitburg, reflections on what difference the Left can find between Nazi tyrants and Communist tyrants . . 152 What Is Potism? Prompted by the capture of Pol Pot, a meditation on the twentieth century's genocides, all ideologically motivated . . 154 CULTURE AND POLICY Who Killed Adam Smith? On American capitalists' turning against the enlightened self-interest Smith had assumed, and instead embracing statism . . 158 Father Fullman's Assault Replying to an attack by a Catholic priest on the economic analysis in WFB's first book, God and Man at Yale . . 162 Return to States' Rights On the importance of not letting the federalist concept of decentralization be co-opted by segregationists . . 168 A Retired Colonel Takes on the Educationists On Colonel Augustin G. Rudd's battle against Progressive Education, which not only is "progressive" in the sense of leftist, but also doesn't educate . . 169 The Economics of Illusion On two proposed government schemes and "the illusion of the spontaneously generating dollar" . . 172 God Bless the Rich On the benefits to society of individuals with accumulated money, who nonetheless are under constant attack from the egalitarians . . 176 The End of the Public Schools On a shift in public perceptions that might, just might, permit true voucher liberation . . 180 Is There a Lost Straw? On the powers of disruption wielded by the labor unions, and our tendency to regard them as unopposable . . 182 Papal Gaucherie On the unfortunate tendency of Pope Paul VI to dilute his ardor for true charity with ignorant attacks on capitalism . . 184 Mr. Nixon and Inflation The president rightly resists wage and price controls, but he fails to understand the need to free the Invisible Hand . . 187 Are You against the Handicapped? On the assumption that anyone who questions a new government expenditure is opposed to the group it would benefit . . 189 How to Argue about Abortion On Professor John Noonan's exploration of what it means to recognize as human a creature not exactly like oneself . . 191 Thinking about Crime If we can't treat the root causes of crime (e.g., out-of-wedlock births), we can at least treat the symptoms . . 192 Three-Martini Lunch? On the puritanical roots of Jimmy Carter's attack on tax deductions for business lunches . . 194 The Failure of Ronald Reagan On the disappointment that President Reagan went for an across-the- board 10 percent tax cut instead of working to reduce the progressive tax . . 195 Gentlemen, Please Admitting that Reagan hasn't balanced the budget, but demonstrating what he has accomplished on the economic and military fronts . . 197 The Thatcher Curve On Mrs. Thatcher's tax reforms and the splendid effect they were having on the British economy . . 199 "Justice" and the Iran-Contra Trial Putting the actions of Oliver North, John Poindexter, et al. in the context of Congress's refusal to maintain a consistent policy on Nicaragua . . 201 The Health Paradigm On the first, murky emanations of a Clinton health-care reform—with a paradigm for how it ought to be done . . 203 Up from Witchcraft An analysis of the exclusionary rule, prompted by the O. J. Simpson trial . . 205 Oh, What a Beautiful Morning On the 1994 GOP congressional victories, and the possibility of actual reform ahead . . 207 Kemplore On Jack Kemp's absolutely unsynthetic enthusiasm for certain ideas (especially the flat tax) that would conduce toward "freedom—no less" . . 209 Big Day for Federalism On the enactment of a welfare-reform bill that should unleash the experimental energies of the states . . 211 Cleaning Up Social Security On the obfuscations that have been visited on us ("trustfund"), and on the effectiveness of privatization in Chile . . 213 Illegalizing Illegals On the pressures (benefits to employers; fear of political incorrectness) that have made it so hard to deal with illegal aliens . . 215 What We Lost at the Astor That is, any sense of the moral dimension of deficit spending . . 217 Post-Katrina Doublethought On the howling pack of journalists blaming Hurricane Katrina on the Bush administration . . 219 THE COLD WAR AT HOME The Colossal Flunk . . 221 On the failure of the professors to notice what the Soviets were really after, "total subjugation of the free world" . . 222 The End of McCarthy On the vile reactions, here and in Britain, to the death of Senator Joseph McCarthy . . 230 The Breakdown of the Intellectuals in Public Affairs On the intellectuals' refusal to acknowledge that a man may be a security risk without being guilty of a criminal offense . . 233 Peace and Pacifism On the profound difference between the two . . 240 What Happened? Asserting that if Henry Kissinger had known Congress would not keep faith on Vietnam, he would never have initialed the Paris Accords . . 242 Who Is the Ugliest of Them All? On Lillian Hellman's book Scoundrel Time, which rehearses, with copious distortions, the persecution of herself and her lover, Dashiell Hammett, by the Redhunters . . 244 On Right and Wrong On the profound wrongness of moral equivalency as between the Soviet Union and the United States . . 255 What Did You Know? When? On Eugene Genovese's admitting that, yes, he knew long before he stated it publicly that Communism meant torture and death . . 257 Alger Hiss, R.I.P. On how Hiss spent his last five decades maintaining his innocence, and on those who continued, against all the evidence, to defend him . . 259 Howard Fast, R.I.P. If Howard Fast had been an ex-Nazi rather than an ex-Communist, the obituarists would not have treated him so gently . . 262 FRIENDS AND ADVERSARIES, HEROES AND VILLAINS . . 265 Wanda Landowska, R.I.P. A tribute to the brilliant interpreter—on piano, harpsichord, and clavichord—of Bach's "heavenly world of order and beauty" . . 266 Lindsay, Lincoln, and the GOP On New York mayoral candidate John Lindsay's attempts to co-opt Lincoln as a model for his own brand of "moderate" (i.e., very liberal) Republicanism . . 266 Thinking Back on Eleanor Roosevelt An obituary, of sorts, of this exemplar of "undifferentiated goodness" and foe of the syllogism . . 272 JFK, the Morning After The slain president deserves a period of "dignified mourning"—but the self-pitying "caterwauling" that is going on does not bode well for a strong, free America . . 274 Douglas MacArthur, Missing but Well Accounted For On the enduring grandeur of the embodiment oj duty, honor, country . . 276 Churchill in the Balance On the tremendous pity that Churchill did not mobilize his strength against the Soviets the way he had earlier done against the Nazis . . 277 Kenneth Tynan Says a Naughty Word On the very bright, ostentatiously iconoclastic British litterateur, who admires Fidel Castro but hopes "I never need to believe in God" . . 280 Evelyn Waugh, R.I.P. On the "master stylist," a "passionately convinced and convincing Christian" . . 282 Frank Chodorov, R.I.P. A personal reminiscence of a gentle, principled foe of collectivism . . 284 A Relaxing View of Ronald Reagan On the controversies stirred up during his first year as governor, and on the striking development of his personal strengths . . 289 John Dos Passos, R.I.P. On a great American novelist who had slipped off the literary A list when he identified the Communists as "the great evildoers of his time" . . 302 Lyndon Johnson, R.I.P. Focusing on the disasters of his conduct of the Vietnam War and of the Great Society, but also on the fact that he was a true patriot . . 305 Frank S. Meyer, R.I.P. A personal account of how the great conservative political philosopher finally conquered his scruples about joining the Catholic Church . . 306 Sadat and the People On the Egyptian statesman who sought peace with honor, and paid the price . . 309 Princess Grace, R.I.P. A loving tribute, noting the determination, hard work, and—well— grace of this lovely woman . . 310 Morrie Ryskind, R.I.P. On the master comic writer who was a victim of the other Hollywood blacklist—the one against anti-Communists . . 312 Theodore White, R.I.P. On the great chronicler of the twentieth century, who always welcomed "revised insights," whether about Mao Tse-tung or Barry Goldwater . . 314 Malcolm Muggeridge, R.I.P. On the English journalist who saw through Communism in the Thirties but took another forty years to come into the Catholic Church, where, finally, he radiated a serene grace . . 316 Richard Nixon, R.I.P. On the paradox of a man who sought political power most of his adult life, but found his true calling only when he was deprived of it . . 318 John Chamberlain, R.I.P. One of the twentieth century's most gifted journalists, characterized by the "combination of a gentle nature and a hard Yankee mind" . . 321 Remembering Russell Kirk On one of the greatest political philosophers of modern American conservatism, focusing on his understanding of the intertwining of permanence and change . . 325 The Ongoing Reagan On how-two years after his death, and twelve years after his withdrawal from the public scene—Reagan was "airborne as never before," as revealed in three new books . . 329 John Kenneth Galbraith, R.I.P. On the maddening mixture, in one of America's leading left-wing economists, of an obstinate devotion to misguided ideas, and a warm and generous personality . . 331 Patricia Taylor Buckley, R.I.P. A most personal reminiscence of a great lady . . 333 LOOKING OUTWARD . . 337 Israel to the Rescue of the United States On the startling reaction of left-wing, often pacifist American opinion makers to the Six-Day War . . 338 De Gaulle on America On the conviction of le grand Charles that America is through, and the reasons why he is wrong . . 340 Israeli Notes Pondering what Israel is: a modern nation-state? or the reincarnation of the Israel of Biblical times? . . 342 So What Is Wrong with Great Britain? Exploring how the real problem with the class structure is that it promotes envy and socialism . . 343 Reflections on the Departure of the Shah Analysis of how the ayatollahs' revolt came about, with a sense that the Iranians may be getting more than they bargained for . . 346 Margaret Is My Darling On Mrs. Thatcher's becoming prime minister, with reflections on the awful situation she faces . . 348 Kennan's Bomb George Kennan would declare war against Iran, upon the seizing of the hostages—and he is right . . 350 Mrs. Thatcher Stays the Course By holding firm on domestic and foreign policy, Mrs. Thatcher roused British public opinion and led the Conservatives to victory . . 352 Self-Mutilation On the well-intentioned but harmful new regulation making it more difficult for Cuban-Americans to assist relatives who remain prisoners of Castro . . 354 French Despair On the paralyzing strikes in France in reaction to the First Employment Contract, and the valiant effort by Jean-Philippe Cotis of the OECD to explain why flexibility in employment is good . . 355 THE RAGING SIXTIES . . 359 Hate America On a 1967 Partisan Review symposium, notably including Susan Sontag on the white race as "the cancer of human history" . . 360 Are the Rioters Racists? On the motivations of the black rioters, and the overt incitements by such as H. Rap Brown to "tear down the white man" . . 361 The End of Martin Luther King Analyzing the commentary on his death in the light of his commitment as a Christian minister, but also of his wilder public statements . . 363 The Kids in Chicago On the young rioters who sought to close down the 1968 Democratic Convention . . 366 The Neglected Notebooks of Sirhan Sirhan From which we learn that far more than a Jordanian anti-Zionist, he was a committed Communist who hated the United States . . 368 Calley In reaction to Lieutenant Calley's conviction far the My Lai massacre, too many Americans regard him as a scapegoat . . 369 Impeach Justice Douglas? Not for his emanations and penumbras, but because, having sworn to uphold the Constitution, he counsels the Kids to rebellion . . 371 MANNERS AND MORALS . . 375 Reflections on the Failure of National Review to Live Up to Liberal Expectations Refuting three early liberal attacks, most famously Dwight Macdonald's "Scrambled Eggheads on the Right" in Commentary . . 376 Freedom to Cross Central Park On the role moral relativism has played in a startling upsurge in youthful gang violence in New York City . . 387 What to Do about Sloppy Dress? Forbid It On the pusillanimity of university administrations and the misuses of appeals to "democracy" . . 389 Do They Really Hate to Hate? On the accusations, flung by supposedly responsible people on the Left, that JFK's assassination sprang from right-wing "hate" . . 391 Boys Will Be Heroes On the boyish zest for adventure that often goes with real courage . . 393 How I Discovered That Rock Is Here to Stay On being forced, finally, to accept a melancholy musical fact . . 395 Arthur Schlesinger Jr. at Camelot A memo released under the Freedom of Information Act shows that JFK's boys had the same devotion to veracity as Nixon's—just with a different result . . 398 Lying: A Quick Lesson What if Kennedy had taken Schlesinger's advice? . . 399 Fun and Games On being on the Merv Griffin show with a sweet young thing who produces and directs hard-core porn films . . 401 Black Thought, Black Talk On Senator Edward Kennedy's description, "withered in distortion and malice," of Robert Bork's America . . 403 On Learning from Other Cultures On the difference between people who seriously study other cultures, and those for whom "multiculturalism" is merely a way to show contempt for America and the West . . 405 Causing Tears On the elder President Bush's recalling how he and Barbara prayed the night before he ordered young men into battle in the Gulf War . . 407 Chins Up! Be Personly! On the depredations against language in the early days of political correctness . . 409 Life in the Nineties On the problems of increased longevity, with vignettes of four nonagenarians who have outlived their strength . . 411 The People Aren't Always Right On the yawning lack of interest in President Clinton's sexual behavior and his lying about it under oath . . 413 Royal Pastimes On Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles tying the knot, with the question, What part of the Faith is the Crown currently defending? . . 415 KO by Michael On the failure of a jury to convict Michael Jackson for behavior that would have aroused horror just a couple of decades ago . . 417 So Help Us Darwin On Darwinist absolutism and the controversy over "intelligent design" . . 419 FAITH AND THE FAITHFUL . . 421 The Catholic in the Modern World: A Conservative View On liberal Catholics' identifying with liberals rather than with Catholics . . 422 The End of the Latin Mass Examining, from a very personal point of view, the changes following Vatican II, and concluding that "the new liturgy is the triumph, yea the resurrection, of the Philistines" . . 429 Guru-Bound On the Beatles and other Western folk who turn their backs on their Christian heritage and flock to India in search of "Spiritual Experience" . . 434 The Bishops and the War In the matter of Vietnam, Carry Wills, the Berrigans, and some of the American bishops, as against St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas . . 435 Chuck Colson and Christianity On the disbelief that greeted Colson's conversion post-Watergate, and the more general feeling that discovering Jesus Christ is not a cool thing to do . . 437 Death of a Christian On the soaring final words of Charles Pinckney Luckey, who, although suffering the horrors of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, refused to spurn God's gift of life . . 439 The Prophet Pope John Paul II's first return to Poland brings to mind the way his mentor, Cardinal Wyszynski, dealt with the Communists . . 441 Is There a God behind Religion? On the reticence of Christians in public life about saying that, yes, they believe that Jesus Christ is divine . . 443 Buggery in Church On the terrible wrong committed by priests who abuse altar boys; but also on the necessity to "detach the sinner from the faith" . . 445 Bloody Passion On the unremitting violence of the Mel Gibsonfilm, which nonetheless manages to be moving. But Bach did it better . . 447 A Farewell To Pope John Paul II, "the most radiant face on the public scene" . . 448 END OF THE COLD WAR; NEW DANGERS . . 451 Hallelujah! On the day the Berlin Watt came tumbliri down . . 452 The End of the Cold War On the breakup of the Soviet empire, including reflections on what America and our allies might have done to make it happen earlier . . 453 The Abandonment of the Kurds On how, after the dazzling victory in the Gulf War, President Bush has thrown it away by not pursuing Saddam to Baghdad . . 456 It's the Other Things Too, Stupid! On the newly inaugurated President Clinton's cluelessness in facing a world full of trade wars, genocidal wars, and civil wars . . 458 Is Multiculturalism the Answer? On how multiculturalist assumptions unfit us for dealing with the phenomenon of Muslim fundamentalism . . 460 Defend America? On Congress's abject failure to face the importance of missile defense, even in a post-Soviet age . . 462 Finding Honor in Abu Ghraib The "corporate revulsion" in America makes it clear that the soldiers who misused Muslim prisoners were not following U.S. policy . . 464 Bushspeak in Europe On the bracing candor of President George W. Bush in dealing with post-Cold War Russia . . 465 Next-Day Thoughts in Britain After the 7/7 bombings in the London Transit system, thoughts about the difficulty of instituting pre-emptive security measures, and on the need for moderate Muslim voices to break through . . 467 Hitting Iran On the difficulty—but necessity—of preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons . . 469 Duty, Honor, Country Looking at Iraq 2007 through the lens of Vietnam 1973-75, reflection on the people we abandoned back then . . 471 GRACE NOTES . . 473 Beethoven's Two-Hundredth A reply to the statement by provocateur extraordinaire William F. Rickenbacker that he would ban all of early Beethoven . . 474 Reflections on Skiing On the difficulties of learning to ski as an adult, ending with a lapidary reflection on the "natural rhythm" of the sport . . 476 The Ocean Race of William Snaith On an account of a race from Bermuda to Sweden by "the most infuriating, exacting, hedonistic, sadistic, competitive, engaging captain in the Atlantic fleet" . . 479 David Niven Recreates Hollywood On Niven's Bring On the Empty Horses, a brilliant, self-effacing, empathetic evocation of a fantastic era in the movie capital . . 482 Just to Say Thanks To George Washington Carver, that is, who promoted the peanut, and thus made possible peanut butter . . 485 Goldberg Divined On the decision by the great harpsichordist Fernando Valenti, upon learning that he had terminal cancer, to record the Goldberg Variations . . 487 Praiseworthiness On the importance of piety, toward one's country and toward God and on the temptations to impiety . . 488 ENVOI . . 491 The Patrimony and Civic Obligation A philosophical look at what we owe to those who came before us, those who surround us, and those who will come after us—moving from J.S. Bach to the common root of the words "conservation" and "conservative" . . 492 Index . . 497