List of Abbreviations . . x Note on References and Translations . . xi Introduction . . 1 1. How Animals Mean . . 28 2. Marie de France: the Courtly Fable . . 53 3. Nigel of Longchamp's Speculum stultorum . . 98 4. The Owl and the Nightingale . . 149 5. Chaucerian Birds . . 192 6. Reynard in England . . 220 7. Henryson: the Epicized Fable . . 262 Conclusion . . 306 Appendix 1: Suggested Identifications of Marie de France . . 309 Appendix 2: Narrative Summary of the Speculum stultorum . . 312 Appendix 3: The Epistle to William . . 314 Appendix 4: Gallus et vulpes . . 318 Bibliography . . 326 Index of Fables cited .. 365 Index . . 369