Preface . . ix 1. Introduction: The ABCs of OK . . 1 2. A Saturday Morning in Boston . . 28 3. 1840: Old Kinderhook Is OK . . 40 4. Hoax: Andrew Jackson's Misspelling . . 56 5. Aesthetics: The Look and Sound of OK . . 76 6. False Origins . . 80 7. The Business of OK . . 96 8. O.K. Clubs . . 117 9. The Literary OK . 123 10. Oklahoma Is OK . . 143 11. Okey-Dokey . . 147 12. Modern OK Literature . . 157 13. The Practical OK . . 166 14. The World—and England . . 171 15. The Lifemanship OK . . 182 16. The Psychological OK . . 185 17. The American Philosophy . . 196 Index . . 199