List of Illustrations . . viii List of Tables . . xi Preface, by Linda R. Manzanilla and Claude Chapdelaine . . xiii PART I: MESOAMERICAN EXAMPLES Introduction: Mesoamerican Domestic Structures, Compounds, and Neighborhoods . . 1 1 Ritual and Social Stratification at Monte Alban, Oaxaca: Strategies from a Household Perspective . . 7 2 Corporate Life in Apartment and Barrio Compounds at Teotihuacan, Central Mexico: Craft Specialization, Hierarchy, and Ethnicity . . 21 3 Household, Workshop, Guild, and Barrio: The Organization of Obsidian Craft Production in a Prehispanic Urban Center . . 43 4 Household, Neighborhood, and Urban Structure in an "Adobe City": Tula, Hidalgo, Mexico . . 67 5 Tikal: Evidence for Ethnic Diversity in a Prehispanic Lowland Maya State Capital . . 89 6 Maya Home Life: Daily Practice, Politics, and Society in Copan, Honduras . . 105 7 Beyond Capitals and Kings: Domestic Organization and Ethnic Dynamics at Chac-Sayil, Yucatan . . 131 PART II: ANDEAN EXAMPLES Introduction to Andean Examples . . 151 8 Residence and Ritual in Tiwanaku: Hierarchy, Specialization, Ethnicity, and Ceremony . . 159 9 Domestic Life in and around the Urban Sector of the Huacas of Moche Site, Northern Peru . . 181 10 Huari: A New Direction in Central Andean Urban Evolution . . 197 11 Domestic Economy as Political Economy at Chan Chan, Peru . . 221 12 Domestic Life and Craft Specialization in Inka Cusco and Its Rural Hinterland . . 243 PART III: COMMENTARY 13 Understanding Houses, Compounds, and Neighborhoods . . 255