FOREWORD . . xi INTRODUCTION . . xiii 1. In the Beginning . . 1 2. Booth Finds His Destiny . . 5 3. William and Catherine . . 11 4. An Army Is Formed . . 15 5. The Sounds of Music . . 23 6. Early Persecution . . 29 7. Women in Ministry . . 33 8. Attacking a Monstrous Evil . . 39 9. In Darkest England . . 50 10. The Army's Theology and Ecclesiology . . 59 11 The Sacramental Salvationist . . 70 12. William Booth's Legend and Legacy . . 76 13. "The General Lays Down His Sword" . . 85 14. The Army's High Council . . 90 15. The Generals and Their Legacies . . 96 16. The Army's Government . . 107 17. The Army's Crown Jewels . . 118 18. Invasion of the USA . . 132 19. Serving the Armed Forces . . 138 20. Global Outreach . . 145 21. Global Gatherings . . 161 22. Addressing the Issues . . 168 23. Human Services . . 176 24. At Front Lines of Tragedy . . 189 25. History Makers . . 208 26. Heroes of the Faith . . 223 27. Marching Forward . . 238 APPENDIX A: Doctrines of The Salvation Army . . 258 APPENDIX B: Articles of War: A Soldier's Covenant . . 260 APPENDIX C: The Founder's Sonar . . 262 APPENDIX D: Countries and Territories . . 263 APPENDIX E: International Statistics . . 265 APPENDIX F: Glossary . . 270 ENDNOTES . . 273 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . 276 INDEX . . 278 THE AUTHOR . . 285