ILLUSTRATIONS . . 9 CONTRIBUTORS . . 15 INTRODUCTION . . 19 I. FAITH AND FANTASY IN WRITTEN TEXTS AND RELIGIOUS PRACTICES 1 Transformative Imagery in Dante: Inferno XXV and Purgatorio XXV . . 29 2 Le Miroir de I'ame pecheresse, poesie spirituelle et rhetorique. Exemplum et imaginaire: moteurs de cheminement de foi . . 43 3 Faith, Power, and the Imagined Christian Community: A Dialogue Between Erasmus and Tyndale . . 57 4 Imagination as Exegesis in the Apocalypsis nova Attributed to Blessed Amadeus da Silva . . 71 5 The Imaginative Creation of a Builder Patron Saint: The Venetian 'Rediscovery' of Magnus . . 85 6 The Intercession of Polish Saints in Old Polish Sermons of the First Half of the Seventeenth Century . . 111 7 Friulian Incantations From Inquisition Trials of the Seventeenth Century . . 123 8 Talking to the Devil in the Early Modern Popular Imagination . . 135 9 La Cloture dans le Monde: Enclosure and the Religious Imagination in Histoire de I'ordre des Religieuses Filles de Notre-Dame . . 147 10 An Italian Jesuit in Canada: Faith and Imagination in Bressani's Breve Relatione of 1653 . . 161 II. FAITH AND FANTASY IN ART 11 Faith and Vision in Leon Battista Alberti and Nicholas Cusanus: Reality and Rhetoric in Sacred Space . . 173 12 Sainte Anne en Immaculee Conception dans un vitrail de 1'Arbre de Jesse (Apt,Vaucluse): L'invention d'une image, 1501 . . 191 13 Faith, Paragone, and Commemoration in Durer's 'Christomorphic' Self-Portrait of 1500 . . 209 14 Rembrandt's Ten Commandments: Pluralism and the Religious Imagination . . 229 15 The Column of Predestination: Some Remarks on Invention in Protestant Reformed Imagery . . 247 16 Hugo van der Goes's Portinari Altarpiece and the Heart of Devotion . . 269 17 The Jerusalem Temple: Rembrandt's Faith and Fantasy . . 291 18 Preservation as Transcendent Vision: Antonio Duca and Santa Maria degli Angeli . . 315 19 "The Difference of Our Spirit": Michael Radford Reconfigures Jewish-Christian Encounters in his Film of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice . . 331 INDEX . . 347