ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . ix INTRODUCTION . . 1 1 THE NEW MEDIASPEAK - MEDIA LANGUAGE AND TERMINOLOGY TODAY . . 17 35 common media descriptions . . 17 What is Web 2.0 and what is all the fuss about? . . 32 A timeline of key Web developments: Web 1.0 - Web 3.0 . . 46 2 UNDERSTANDING THE MEDIASCAPE - PHILOSOPHIES AND THEORIES OF EMERGENT MEDIA . . 59 Major traditions of media critique . . 60 Media barons versus net neutrality . . 68 The digital divide . . 77 Community and social capital . . 84 Technological determinism . . 93 The less travelled middle ground and the beauty of grey . . 97 3 SORTING MYTHS AND CYBERBOLE FROM TRENDS AND TIPPING POINTS . . 105 The end of endism . . 105 The myth of cyberspace and cyberculture . . 107 The disappearing computer and communications network . . 114 Media are immaterial . . 115 Audience fragmentation and demassification . . 120 4 THE FUTURE OF COMMUNITY AND CULTURE . . 137 Reclaiming folk culture . . 138 Identity construction - new 'technologies of the self' . . 140 Anomie or social glue? . . 146 Engaging youth - generations X, Y and C . . 148 When autonomy and individualism are important - online 'greys' . . 151 5 THE FUTURE OF MEDIATED POLITICS . . 155 The mediated public sphere . . 157 The emergent public sphere . . 160 E-democracy and e-government - the role of emergent media . . 175 6 THE FUTURE OF JOURNALISM . . 209 Four converging changes . . 211 The loss of journalists . . 212 The loss of time . . 215 The loss of 'gatekeepers' . . 221 The loss of 'truth', 'objectivity' and source credibility . . 229 The loss of audiences . . 239 Opportunities for a 'new new journalism' . . 242 7 THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING . . 253 Structural as well as economic challenges . . 254 The audiences that got away . . 256 Evolving approaches in advertising . . 257 Future approaches - Relevancy Advertising and other ways to 'ad value' . . 268 8 FUTURE MEDIA BUSINESS MODELS . . 277 Emergent business models . . 281 Beyond advertising . . 292 The Attention Economy . . 296 Market intelligence and data v privacy . . 297 E-commerce to v-commerce . . 303 9 THE FUTURE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS . . 307 Unspinning spin . . 308 Conversations, dialogue, relationships - rediscovering authenticity . . 316 Emergent media monitoring and analysis . . 318 Emergent media relations . . 322 10 THE FUTURE FOR ORGANIZATIONS AND BUSINESS . . 327 Transparency - four billion mobile/cell phones are watching . . 329 Security and governance . . 330 Beyond brand to reputation and relationships . . 331 Opportunities - the Long Tail and beyond . . 332 CONCLUSIONS . . 335 REFERENCES . . 351 INDEX . . 397