Preface . . vii Acknowledgments . . xii PART ONE: EARLY ITALIAN CINEMA 1 The Silent Era . . 1 2 The Coming of Sound and the Fascist Era . . 20 PART TWO: ITALIAN NEOREALISM 3 Masters of Neorealism: Rossellini, De Sica, and Visconti . . 61 4 Exploring the Boundaries of Neorealism . . 98 5 The Break with Neorealism: The Cinema Reconstruction Fellini's Trilosies of Character and Grace, and the Return of Melodrama . . 127 PART THREE: THE GOLDEN AGE OF ITALIAN CINEMA 6 The Italian "Peplum": The Sword and Sandal Epic . . 159 7 Commedia all'italiana: Comedy and Social Criticism . . 180 8 Neorealism's Legacy to a New Generation, and the Italian Political Film . . 217 9 The Mateur Auteurs: New Dimensions in Film Narrative in Visconti, Antonioni, De Sica, and Fellini . . 259 10 The Spaghetti Nightmare: Horror Films from the 1950s to the Present . . 306 11 A Fistful of Pasta: Sergio Leone and the Spaghetti Western . . 338 12 Mystery, Gore, and Mayhem: The Italian Giallo . . 372 13 Myth, Marx, and Freud in Pier Paolo Pasolini and Bernardo Bertolucci . . 416 14 The Poliziesco: Italian Crime Films from the 1970s to the Present . . 453 PART FOUR: GENERATIONAL CHANGE IN THE CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN CINEMA 15 The Old Guard Never Surrenders: Italy's Prewar Auteurs in the 1980s and 1990s . . 497 16 The Third Wave: A New Generation of Auteurs . . 519 17 Italian Cinema Enters the Third Millennium . . 557 Notes . . 567 Bibliography . . 593 Photo Credits . . 646 Index . . 647