Table of Cases . . ix Table of Legislation . . xv Introduction . . 1 1 AN OVERVIEW OF THE HISTORY OF THE US CONSTITUTION . . 9 From the Revolution to the Bill of Rights . . 9 The Early National Period . . 18 The Crisis over Slavery and the Civil War . . 21 The Late Nineteenth Century and the Growth of the Modern State . . 24 The New Deal Crisis and the New Constitutional Regime . . 28 From the Reagan Revolution to the Present . . 35 Conclusion . . 39 2 THE CONSTITUTIONAL POLITICS OF THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH . . 43 Congress: Its Basic Structure and Roles . . 43 The American Party System . . 48 Political Parties and the Written Constitution . . 55 Conduct of Elections . . 58 Legislative Districting and Gerrymandering . . 61 Candidate Selection and Gerrymandering . . 64 Campaign Financing . . 65 Constitutional Politics within Congress . . 69 Conclusion . . 77 3 THE CONSTITUTIONAL POLITICS OF THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH . . 79 The President as Party Leader . . 82 The President's Role in Legislation . . 91 The Unitary Executive and the Modern Administrative State . . 96 The Unitary Executive in Foreign Affairs . . 109 Conclusion . . 120 4 THE CONSTITUTIONAL POLITICS OF THE JUDICIAL BRANCH . . 123 Judicial Selection . . 125 Judicial Review and Judicial Supremacy . . 134 Political Constraints on the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts . . 140 Doctrinal Constraints on the Jurisdiction of the Federal Courts . . 147 Standing . . 153 Conclusion . . 157 5 FEDERALISM AND THE REACH OF NATIONAL POWER . . 159 State Governments and the US Constitution . . 160 The Emergence of Plenary National Power . . 162 The So-Called 'Federalism Revolution' of the 1990s . . 169 Federalism and the Spending Power . . 179 Conclusion . . 181 6 INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION . . 187 The Starting Point . . 189 Pragmatic and Realist Critiques . . 197 The New Deal Reconstruction . . 203 The Emergence of Modern Liberalism: Autonomy and Accommodation . . 209 Lawyers and Rights Litigation: The Development of Support Structures . . 222 Political Parties and Social Movements . . 227 Constitutional Rights at Century's End . . 233 7 THE PROCESSES OF CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGE . . 237 Formal Amendments . . 237 Substance . . 239 Constitutional Interpretation as a Mechanism of Constitutional Change . . 242 Interpretive Methods: an Introduction . . 244 Conclusion . . 270 Constitutional Moments and Constitutional Change . . 271 Constitutional Moments . . 271 Concluding Thoughts . . 277 Index . . 281