List of Illustrations . . ix List of Contributors . . xi 1. Introduction: Paradox and the Marvellous in Augustan Literature and Culture . . 1 2. Horace's Ars Poetica and the Marvellous . . 19 3. Where the Wild Things Are: Locating the Marvellous in Augustan Wall Painting . . 41 4. Against Nature? Some Augustan Responses to Man-made Marvels . . 75 5. Virgil: A Paradoxical Poet? . . 95 6. The Question of the Marvellous in the Georgics of Virgil . . 113 7. In Search of the Lost Hercules: Strategies of the Fantastic in the Aeneid . . 126 8. Thaumatographia, or 'What is a Theme?' . . 145 9. Phaethon and the Monsters . . 163 10. Prodigiosa mendada uatum: Responses to the Marvellous in Ovid's Narrative of Perseus (Metamorphoses 4-5) . . 189 11. Encountering the Fantastic: Expectations, Forms of Communication, Reactions . . 213 12. Constructing a Narrative of mira deum: The Story of Philemon and Baucis (Ovid, Metamorphoses 8) . . 231 13. Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.416-51: noua monstra and the foedera naturae . . 248 14. Latrator Anubis: Alien Divinities in Augustan Rome, and how to Tame Monsters through Aetiology . . 268 15. Ordering Wonderland: Ovid's Pythagoras and the Augustan Vision . . 288 16. Delusions of Grandeur: Lucretian 'Passages' in Livy . . 310 17. The Strange Art of the Sententious Declaimer . . 330 References . . 350 Indexes . . 381