Contents List of Illustrations ix Acknowledgments Xlll 1 Introduction 1 HISTORIES 2. The Classical Inheritance 13 3. Prometheus's Vulture: The Renaissance Fashioning of Gout 22 4. Science and Sydenham 36 5. The Eighteenth-Century Medical Debates 48 CULTURES 6. Gout and the Georgian Gentleman 71 7. Smollett, Cadogan and Controversy 93 8. Change and Continuity, 1790-1850 125 9 Indian Summer: Romantic and Victorian Gout 143 10. Gout and Glory: Garrod and After 173 GOUTOMETRIES 11. Podagra Ludens: Disease and Discourse 211 I. Podagra ludens: Ludic representations 211 II. The Ludanic and Menippean heritage 2I3 III. The rhetoric of swelling 2l6 IV. Homo ludens and the neo-Ludanic heritage 2I9 V. The metaphoric heritage 229 12. Gout: The Visual Heritage 248 Epilogue 284 Notes 286 Bibliography 327 Index 380