Contents List of Illustrations 9 Preface 11 ALBI ROSENTHAL Acknowledgments 13 1. Monteverdi: A Personal Approach 17 2. 'I, Claudio Monteverdi" 48 Origins of the Selva 49 The Selva as Autobiography 53 The Liturgical Year in Venice 64 Performance Practice 80 Chiavette Off-Key? 85 Basso Continue-Basso Seguente 89 Organs and Organists 92 The Orchestra at S. Marco 96 3. Claudio! Audio? 101 4. Acoustics, Tempo, Interpretation 113 5. Iconografia Claudiana 130 6. Monteverdi's Necklace 141 7. Fiori Poetici-A Facsimile 154 Bibliography 230 Index 232